for sale: Atari STe (vancouver area)
(too old to reply)
2004-10-25 15:37:59 UTC
looking for a good home!

i really liked my STe and its 4 meg'o'ram and colour monitor... i
bought soooo much software for it back then... bunch'o'music stuff and
a number of (then) cool graphic apps: the entire Cyber series and the
next gen of 3D stuff that came out including Chronos... it's pretty
much a full system (ie: there's good software in almost everything
from graphics to music to word processing to business, you name it...
even a few good games like the original Civilization and Monkey Island

also a LOT of magazines including an almost complete collection of ST
Format (only a couple issues missing).

sorry don't have complete listing, but i'm initially looking/hoping
for someone in Vancouver area to be giving a response... if not, i'll
look into doing a paypal or ebay thing and will dig up more detailed

i've got a rough idea what i'm looking for for a sale price given what
i've seen posted here over the last few years, but i'm prefering to
find someone who'd like a complete setup to add to theirs rather than
selling it off bit by bit... partly expendiency, but mostly just cuz i
don't like the thought of it being scattered all over the place :)

2013-12-06 22:00:01 UTC
I know there is absolutely no chance whatsoever that you still have this, but if you do or know of anyone who is trying to sell their Atari STe system in the Pacific NW, let me know! colejonroydoig at gmail.com Thanks!
2013-12-31 04:48:21 UTC
Shame you are looking for a STE system. :) Have a few 1040 STfs with
Toadfile. :D

I do have a mega STE motherboard that needs repopulating.
Post by cgifriday
I know there is absolutely no chance whatsoever that you still have this,
but if you do or know of anyone who is trying to sell their Atari STe system

in the Pacific NW, let me know! colejonroydoig at gmail.com Thanks!