E-Bay and Pay Pal Policy Problems..
(too old to reply)
2013-03-30 23:19:42 UTC
To any customer who wanted to purchase a Item from
me thru E-Bay and Pay Pal.

It is against my business Policy to ship out my Items without at least
being able to transfer Shipping to my Bank Account.

This is not my Fault, I Always ship when paid in full or at least
get the shipping amount tranfered to my Bank Account.

I do not have your Money. E-Bay and Pay-Pal does.

There has not been One transfer to my bank account that
was setup to serve the Atari Community thru E-Bay using Pay-Pay.

Do not bame me, It is there business practices that have caused the

Steve Stupple
2013-04-01 13:17:23 UTC
Post by Barry
To any customer who wanted to purchase a Item from
me thru E-Bay and Pay Pal.
It is against my business Policy to ship out my Items without at least
being able to transfer Shipping to my Bank Account.
This is not my Fault, I Always ship when paid in full or at least
get the shipping amount tranfered to my Bank Account.
I do not have your Money. E-Bay and Pay-Pal does.
There has not been One transfer to my bank account that
was setup to serve the Atari Community thru E-Bay using Pay-Pay.
Do not bame me, It is there business practices that have caused the
I use PayPal a lot, and yes when people pay via PayPal it doesn't go into
your account unless requested,then takes a fe days. I get around this by
using couriers that take payment via pp, I also have a PayPal MasterCard
which is linked to my account, and I use that to pay shipping from the post

So when people pay me, I have access immediately.

Barry, what's your eBay I'd?

2013-04-01 20:09:22 UTC
"Steve Stupple" <***@atari.org.uk> wrote in message news:1484140885386514849.069158steve-***@news.individual.net...
Post by Steve Stupple
Barry, what's your eBay I'd?
Normally I wouldn't mind telling you.
This isn't the first time that E-Bay has ripped me off.

Tired of it.
