Post by Guillaume TelloCould it be that MagiC uses this trap???
I can not see that MagiC use this Trap, maybe an other program
Nothing about your problem. But if you use some Traps please tell this in some
newsgroups, so that I can add this to tos.hyp[1]
An other thing, please use the XBRA method for change vectors:
In assemble (example)
DC.b 'RSVE' ; change to your ID
oldxbiosv: DC.l 0
t14_xbios: your new function
Wiht this method can tools like SysInfo show what program are hooked in
An example from my Milan
Adr Vektorname Programm-ID
0070 AVI L4/VBlank NVDI
0084 Trap#1/GEMDOS DYJT->Trpp->EPro->CHN1
0088 Trap#2/AES+VDI MN3D->ICFS->Trpp->NVDI
00B4 Trap#13/BIOS Trpp->CHN1->RSVE
00B8 Trap#14/XBIOS Trpp->NVDI->EPro->CHN1->nTOS->RSVE
0114 STMFP/200 Hz SCKM->TREN