Post by MudgePost by Guillaume TelloI want to know if the Atari SLM804 requires the little box SLMC804 to
work? Or can it be connected directly to the Atari ST ?
When I had one (in 1990) it connexcted directly
I don't believe Mudge is correct. I just looked at mine, the 804
connects to the controller (SLMC804) with a SCSI 1 cable. Then the
controller connects to the computer through the ACSI port.
Post by MudgePost by Guillaume TelloIs it right that the toner is the same as other machines and can be
easely found?
It was the same as other toners used a quarter century ago - I have no
idea about now !
I seem to remember there was something different about the toner itself,
if you were into refilling your own cartridges. I'm thinking the toner
was finer.
Replacement cartridge kits would fit TEC LB-1301, Buffalo, DTP, Kaypro,
Memory, Memorex Microphonix,Oasys, and TEC lasers. Got these name
brands from a replacement toner cart box, but didn't take the time to
write the model numbers. If you want the model numbers, send an email
to this address, and I'll scan the entire label and email it to you.
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