Good USB joystick for Hatari emulator on OSX?
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bill freeman
2014-05-25 00:28:32 UTC
I am looking for a good USB joystick to play some ST games on a Macbook
Air. Only need the 4 directions and a fire button. My favorite ST
joystick was the Epyx. Any suggestions for something similar that
works good with Hatari?
bill freeman
2014-06-04 14:29:29 UTC
Are there any Hatari users reading this newsgroup?
Götz Hoffart
2014-06-07 22:21:18 UTC
Post by bill freeman
Are there any Hatari users reading this newsgroup?
Yes, but I'm not using it a lot to play games, and all games that I play
just use the mouse and keyboard (Wizard Royal, e.g.). So I can't really

Thorsten Günther
2014-06-15 19:05:06 UTC
Post by bill freeman
I am looking for a good USB joystick to play some ST games on a Macbook
Air. Only need the 4 directions and a fire button. My favorite ST
joystick was the Epyx. Any suggestions for something similar that works
good with Hatari?
The Epyx/Konix was a good joystick indeed, but it had a very unique
design (as anything designed by Konix för their failed Multisystem).

There's USB joysticks shaped after the Atari CX40 and shaped after the
Kempston/Dynamics Competition Pro available, though, or 9 pin to USB
adaptors (if you want to purchase a 500XJ and use that).
bill freeman
2014-06-17 07:28:24 UTC
Thorsten and Götz,

Thanks for the suggestions. I have Atari joysticks so will buy and try
using a 9 pin to USB adapter on my Macbook.

I can't seem to train my 70 year old fingers to use the cursor keys
fast enough for the game Prensorium.

I was initially looking for an Atari similar USB joystick to use with
Hatari on a Mac.

I am also working on getting some of my ST computers back in operation.
The main problem with the Atari computers is the floppy disks have not
aged very well. The old disks tend to shed their magnetic coating and
gum up the floppy drive heads. The programs that will run from a hard
drive are still useable but I am not having much luck with the old
Post by Thorsten Günther
Post by bill freeman
I am looking for a good USB joystick to play some ST games on a Macbook
Air. Only need the 4 directions and a fire button. My favorite ST
joystick was the Epyx. Any suggestions for something similar that works
good with Hatari?
The Epyx/Konix was a good joystick indeed, but it had a very unique
design (as anything designed by Konix för their failed Multisystem).
There's USB joysticks shaped after the Atari CX40 and shaped after the
Kempston/Dynamics Competition Pro available, though, or 9 pin to USB
adaptors (if you want to purchase a 500XJ and use that).