ARAnyM 1.1.0 released
(too old to reply)
Francois LE COAT
2019-05-01 14:42:34 UTC

ARAnyM 1.1.0 the GNU/GPL ATARI Virtual Machine was released from :


Does somebody knows how it should be used ? I'm maintaining the
ARAnyM *miniPack* <http://eureka.atari.org/miniPack.zip> and it
includes the v.1.0.2 version for the moment. If I replace the
application's binary, it works nice, but there's no mouse pointer
outside the ARAnyM's window. It means for me that ARAnyM can't
be used as an OS hosted application anymore.

Is there somebody using v.1.1.0 of ARAnyM ? I tested both under
macOS and GNU/Linux, but I don't understand its configuration.

Thanks for any help.

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Miro Kropáček
2019-05-02 05:54:08 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
Is there somebody using v.1.1.0 of ARAnyM ? I tested both under
macOS and GNU/Linux, but I don't understand its configuration.
It works all right here on my Linux. Not sure what you mean "outside the window", you are supposed to press the mouse middle button to loose focus on Aranym since a long time ago.
Francois LE COAT
2019-05-02 16:19:45 UTC
Post by Miro Kropáček
Post by Francois LE COAT
Is there somebody using v.1.1.0 of ARAnyM ? I tested both under
macOS and GNU/Linux, but I don't understand its configuration.
It works all right here on my Linux. Not sure what you mean "outside the window", you are supposed to press the mouse middle button to loose focus on Aranym since a long time ago.
Oh yes ! I didn't know, because v.1.0.2 ARAnyM wasn't using the middle
button of the mouse. It's a big change in the usage. I tested like you
under GNU/Linux and was able to use the mouse outside ARAnyM's window.

I also tested under macOS, and there's an incompatibility, because
pressing the middle button of the mouse is launching the dashboard ...


The usage of the mouse middle button is already dedicated under macOS.
So the new solution for moving the mouse outside ARAnyM's window doesn't
work. Dashboard is launched either with <F4> or with the middle button.
There's a big issue using ARAnyM on macOS. That doesn't work ...

Thanks for your reply =)

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2019-06-07 20:16:14 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Miro Kropáček
Post by Francois LE COAT
Is there somebody using v.1.1.0 of ARAnyM ? I tested both under
macOS and GNU/Linux, but I don't understand its configuration.
It works all right here on my Linux. Not sure what you mean "outside
the window", you are supposed to press the mouse middle button to
loose focus on Aranym since a long time ago.
Oh yes ! I didn't know, because v.1.0.2 ARAnyM wasn't using the middle
button of the mouse. It's a big change in the usage. I tested like you
under GNU/Linux and was able to use the mouse outside ARAnyM's window.
I also tested under macOS, and there's an incompatibility, because
pressing the middle button of the mouse is launching the dashboard ...
The usage of the mouse middle button is already dedicated under macOS.
So the new solution for moving the mouse outside ARAnyM's window doesn't
work. Dashboard is launched either with <F4> or with the middle button.
There's a big issue using ARAnyM on macOS. That doesn't work ...
I finally found the solution to this issue under macOS, asking in the
ARAnyM mailing-list. The way to exit the ARAnyM's window is to set :
GrabMouse = No
in the "config" file. That totally fix the issue.

I hope it helps,

François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)