Anyone still doing email?
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James Schofield
2022-11-09 03:56:53 UTC
Anyone still doing email on the atari.

If so please share your setup. I am trying to use Troll which can use
PolarSSL to allow TLS 1.2 encryption. I am not having success with the
handshake yet.

Love to hear what your doing?

James Schofield
2022-11-09 04:32:42 UTC
Ok I did just get it to work. had to use minimum TLS 1.2 and Max TLS
1.2 and prefered cifer thunderbird.cs I am using my gmx email. On my
TT030 - send me something if you read this bikerbobATgmx.com
Post by James Schofield
Anyone still doing email on the atari.
If so please share your setup. I am trying to use Troll which can use
PolarSSL to allow TLS 1.2 encryption. I am not having success with the
handshake yet.
Love to hear what your doing?