BadMooD: Doom game on Falcon030
(too old to reply)
2014-01-23 20:11:33 UTC
Hi all,

In case you've missed the news Douglas Little (of Black Scorpion fame/Apex Media) has released an 'alpha' version of BadMooD, a fully playable Doom conversion enhanced for Falcon030.

You'll need the WAD file(s) from the original game but the BadMooD binary download is hosted here:


The game requires a stock (unaccelerated) Falcon030 with 14 MB of RAM.

In the last week there has been two alpha releases, v0.1 and v0.2, however, there are some features to be implemented, some bugs and a wish list too! Please test it and report back any issue on the bug tracker page.

If you have programming or graphics experience and would like to help then please step forward!
Source will be released, but probably not for a month or two while things are tidied up.
A BadMooD specific level with enhanced graphics is possible.

See the download binary for more Readme information.
2014-01-24 23:20:18 UTC
Bad form posting to my own post!

Anyway a CT63/68060 version has been released as alpha.
It's still buggy but can be run, with more updates soon.

Check out all versions here: http://devilsdoorbell.com

Post by Viking272
Hi all,
In case you've missed the news Douglas Little (of Black Scorpion fame/Apex Media) has released an 'alpha' version of BadMooD, a fully playable Doom conversion enhanced for Falcon030.
The game requires a stock (unaccelerated) Falcon030 with 14 MB of RAM.
In the last week there has been two alpha releases, v0.1 and v0.2, however, there are some features to be implemented, some bugs and a wish list too! Please test it and report back any issue on the bug tracker page.
If you have programming or graphics experience and would like to help then please step forward!
Source will be released, but probably not for a month or two while things are tidied up.
A BadMooD specific level with enhanced graphics is possible.
See the download binary for more Readme information.