[UtD] Eureka 2.12 Release
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Francois LE COAT
2018-04-01 22:15:06 UTC

The Eureka 2.12 software is released on its WEB page. It is a
"2D Graph Describer and 3D Modeller". You can download it at

That is the Common Edition

Is the 68020 Edition without FPU

Is the 68030+881, FPU Edition

Is the 68020-060, FPU Edition

Is the Lite Edition, working on early ST with 720kb floppy

This April revision corresponds to the 22 anniversary of releases.

I wish you fun with this STuff !

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12
Francois LE COAT
2018-04-02 16:00:05 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
The Eureka 2.12 software is released on its WEB page. It is a
"2D Graph Describer and 3D Modeller". You can download it at
That is the Common Edition
Is the 68020 Edition without FPU
Is the 68030+881, FPU Edition
Is the 68020-060, FPU Edition
Is the Lite Edition, working on early ST with 720kb floppy
This April revision corresponds to the 22 anniversary of releases.
This new release of Eureka 2.12 was improved for AtariX emulator.
There I made a video showing it under MacOS X Snow Leopard (10.6)

The software is running under most of the systems I could test,
since the very first ATARI emulator called STonX under Unix/X11.
Eureka 2.12 is working with AtariX, thanks to Philipp Donzé version


and also thanks to the help of Olivier Landemarre for OpenGL LDG.
Thanks to them, and also Martin Byttebier who share it with the FTP :-)

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)