ATARI anniversaries
(too old to reply)
Francois LE COAT
2014-12-30 15:45:12 UTC

Do you know that January 6th 2015, the ATARI ST will be 30 years old,
because a prototype was first presented January 1985, at Las Vegas CES,
USA by Jack Tramiel ?

Also May 22th 2015, Pac-Man will be 35 years old. I played it as arcade.
I made a 3D modelling of Pac-Man, for CDFPlayer (Mathematica Player) :


You can examine 3D Pac-Man from all points of view, if you install the
free WEB player available at :


All computing and games were invented at this period between 1980-1985.
What we are speaking about still exists today, fortunately :)

Let's have a happy new year 2015 !

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2015-01-29 22:33:20 UTC

The thirsty-nth of the ATARI ST was related very sparsely except at:


Perhaps ATARIans are waiting the commercialization date in the USA...

Anyway if you want to inspect the Pac-Man, who will be soon thirty-five
May 22th 2015, you can also view it 3D as a VRML model linked here:


If you know Eureka 2.12, you know Virtual Reality Modelling Language !
Post by Francois LE COAT
Do you know that January 6th 2015, the ATARI ST will be 30 years old,
because a prototype was first presented January 1985, at Las Vegas CES,
USA by Jack Tramiel ?
Also May 22th 2015, Pac-Man will be 35 years old. I played it as arcade.
You can examine 3D Pac-Man from all points of view, if you install the
All computing and games were invented at this period between 1980-1985.
What we are speaking about still exists today, fortunately :)
Let's have a happy new year 2015 !
Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
2015-02-23 00:02:17 UTC
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's upcoming issue (paper mag: early March, PDF: sometime later):

Francois LE COAT
2015-02-25 16:45:02 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
That's good news. I'm looking forward to read the next st-computer :)

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eurêka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Ken Springer
2015-02-25 17:31:55 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Is there an English version?
Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 33.1
Thunderbird 31.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
and it's gone!"
Francois LE COAT
2015-02-25 21:42:20 UTC
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited internationally,
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.

Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Ken Springer
2015-02-25 23:02:44 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited internationally,
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.
Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !
But, I don't speak or read German. LOL
Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 33.1
Thunderbird 31.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
and it's gone!"
2015-02-26 06:03:11 UTC
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited internationally,
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.
Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !
But, I don't speak or read German. LOL
A good reason to start learning ! Isn't it?

Ken Springer
2015-02-26 10:30:05 UTC
Post by Arachide
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited internationally,
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.
Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !
But, I don't speak or read German. LOL
A good reason to start learning ! Isn't it?
<big grin> Yes, but what I'm learning now is a lot of history for the
local area. Thinking of submitting some articles for the local newspaper.
Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 33.1
Thunderbird 31.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
and it's gone!"
Francois LE COAT
2015-02-26 22:55:34 UTC
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Arachide
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited internationally,
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.
Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !
But, I don't speak or read German. LOL
A good reason to start learning ! Isn't it?
<big grin> Yes, but what I'm learning now is a lot of history for the
local area. Thinking of submitting some articles for the local newspaper.
I don't speak or read German too ... But all this ATARI story is
very well known by all of us, indeed. This really matters for
the youngest, but they can also learn German at the same time ;-)
The good point is that somebody tells about thirty-nth of ATARI ST !

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Ken Springer
2015-02-26 23:44:26 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Arachide
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited internationally,
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.
Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !
But, I don't speak or read German. LOL
A good reason to start learning ! Isn't it?
<big grin> Yes, but what I'm learning now is a lot of history for the
local area. Thinking of submitting some articles for the local newspaper.
I don't speak or read German too ... But all this ATARI story is
very well known by all of us, indeed. This really matters for
the youngest, but they can also learn German at the same time ;-)
The good point is that somebody tells about thirty-nth of ATARI ST !
I still miss using mine. Still have 2 800's, a Portfolio, and a Hades
060. I've owned an ST 1040, Mega 4, Stacy 4, and a Falcon.

I'd like to get the Hades up and going again, hence my
alt.binaries.atari question.
Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 33.1
Thunderbird 31.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
and it's gone!"
Francois LE COAT
2015-03-01 16:46:54 UTC
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Arachide
Post by Ken Springer
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Ken Springer
Post by h***@gmail.com
The ST's 30th birthday will be celebrated in st-computer magazine's
Is there an English version?
I don't think so. French ST-Magazine used to be edited
but it was an enormous job, that required a lot of international
relations. ST-Magazine disappeared after this short foreign experience.
Please consider that st-computer is free. You mustn't be too demanding !
But, I don't speak or read German. LOL
A good reason to start learning ! Isn't it?
<big grin> Yes, but what I'm learning now is a lot of history for the
local area. Thinking of submitting some articles for the local newspaper.
I don't speak or read German too ... But all this ATARI story is
very well known by all of us, indeed. This really matters for
the youngest, but they can also learn German at the same time ;-)
The good point is that somebody tells about thirty-nth of ATARI ST !
I still miss using mine. Still have 2 800's, a Portfolio, and a Hades
060. I've owned an ST 1040, Mega 4, Stacy 4, and a Falcon.
I'd like to get the Hades up and going again, hence my
alt.binaries.atari question.
I still have working Hades060 and Falcon030. I had :

- 1040STf in 1986
- MegaSTe4 in 1991
- Falcon030 in 1993
- Hades060 in 1996

I developed since 1987 mainly in "C" language on these ATARI machines.
Since 2003 I started developing under ARAnyM on a PowerMac dual-G4 under
OS X 10.3.9 Panther, then I had a quad-core i5 27" iMac under OS X
10.6.8 Snow Leopard, in 2010 that I still use, running MacAranym v.1.0.

That's almost 30 years that I develop in "C" language on ATARI, and
helped to MacAranym since almost 12 years <http://aranym.org/> happily.

That's why I'm concerned with ATARI ST anniversaries, indeed =)

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
2015-04-18 06:03:27 UTC
Only the first issue has been translated and although I had help (proof-reading), creating and editing a bilingual magazine is just too much work for a single person. Nobody volunteered to do translations and that's why I decided not to release further English issues.

However, if I ever receive submissions in English language or I do an interview in English, they will be released in English too. There's also the possibility that the next special issue might get an English-language release because it contains much less text than a regular one. The special issue is about an exhibition celebrating 30 years of Atari hardware and games.