ATARI Bulletin Board Systems!
(too old to reply)
Bravo Sierra Computers
2014-06-16 04:49:56 UTC
Is There A List Of Atari Bulletin Board Systems?Maybe With Dialup?Please Reply!
Please Answer! Please Reply Irregardless of your Answers! Thanx! =-=Ben=-=
2014-09-30 17:28:18 UTC
There is a list of 8 bit BBSes here, but I haven't updated it in 5
years, and there were no known dialups left at that time (the ones left
were accessible via telnet):


- Trevor
Post by Bravo Sierra Computers
Is There A List Of Atari Bulletin Board Systems?Maybe With Dialup?Please Reply!
Please Answer! Please Reply Irregardless of your Answers! Thanx! =-=Ben=-=
2014-09-30 18:14:44 UTC
To: Bravo Sierra Computers
Re: ATARI Bulletin Board Systems!
By: Bravo Sierra Computers to comp.sys.atari.8bit,comp.sys.atari.st on Sun Jun 15 2014 09:49 pm

BS> Is There A List Of Atari Bulletin Board Systems?Maybe With Dialup?Please
BS> Reply! Please Answer! Please Reply Irregardless of your Answers! Thanx!

If there isn't a ton of Atari BBSs, there soon will be, there's a guy over at
Atariage.com that's working on a promising looking BBS that he's currently
calling bb65 (because it's being coded in cc65). Check it out sometime.

--- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102
* Shodan's Core - Prunedale, CA - telnet://shodan.synchro.net

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