3D "Bretzel"
(too old to reply)
Francois LE COAT
2012-11-24 17:25:37 UTC

I downloaded "Graphing Calculator Viewer" on the AppStore, to
make my mind about this mathematical software, made on PowerMac
at Apple, about the same time I was writing Eureka 2.12 on the
ATARI 1040STf (1987). The "Viewer" is free, and doesn't allow
many things, except watching its superb live demonstration mode.
And, how surprised I had been, watching my remarkable 3D "Bretzel",
among other 2D curves and 3D surfaces :

<Loading Image...> rotating under Mac OS X.

This is to explain how curious are mathematics. What an honor !
I created one day this 3D surface of the "Bretzel", of an
helical shape, when I realized that rotating on itself, it seems
to be warped, only by a sort of visual illusion.

I made a video clip <http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.mov>, a
friend of mine David Roussel conceived a demo on a SGI station
<http://vrmlstuff.free.fr/bretzel/bretzel_2.wrl> in VRML, so
I did <http://eureka.atari.org/vrml/bretzel2.wrl> at the same time.

This is rather strange that 25 years after it first steps (1987-2012)
my Eureka 2.12 software keeps spreading out on the WEB, and inspires.
You just have to watch the recent outstanding ATARI ST demo of Mr. Coke


It's the 3D Solenoid that is remade here, surprisingly. Or the cover
of international STMag NG <Loading Image...> where
DHS demo-makers reworked the 3D Escher Knot.

At last, I'm not the Encyclopedia of 3D softwares, but almost !
The lengthiness of the software explains why it keeps spreading out :-)

ATARIstically yours =)
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Miro Kropáček
2012-11-25 22:02:22 UTC
What makes you think that it was you who invented this shape? If my memory serves well, this shape is available in 3D Studio for years, maybe since the first version (along with the teapot etc).
Post by Francois LE COAT
I downloaded "Graphing Calculator Viewer" on the AppStore, to
make my mind about this mathematical software, made on PowerMac
at Apple, about the same time I was writing Eureka 2.12 on the
ATARI 1040STf (1987). The "Viewer" is free, and doesn't allow
many things, except watching its superb live demonstration mode.
And, how surprised I had been, watching my remarkable 3D "Bretzel",
<http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.png> rotating under Mac OS X.
This is to explain how curious are mathematics. What an honor !
I created one day this 3D surface of the "Bretzel", of an
helical shape, when I realized that rotating on itself, it seems
to be warped, only by a sort of visual illusion.
I made a video clip <http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.mov>, a
friend of mine David Roussel conceived a demo on a SGI station
<http://vrmlstuff.free.fr/bretzel/bretzel_2.wrl> in VRML, so
I did <http://eureka.atari.org/vrml/bretzel2.wrl> at the same time.
This is rather strange that 25 years after it first steps (1987-2012)
my Eureka 2.12 software keeps spreading out on the WEB, and inspires.
You just have to watch the recent outstanding ATARI ST demo of Mr. Coke
It's the 3D Solenoid that is remade here, surprisingly. Or the cover
of international STMag NG <http://eureka.atari.org/stmag135.jpg> where
DHS demo-makers reworked the 3D Escher Knot.
At last, I'm not the Encyclopedia of 3D softwares, but almost !
The lengthiness of the software explains why it keeps spreading out :-)
ATARIstically yours =)
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2012-11-26 16:00:38 UTC
Hi Miro,

Thanks for your answer.
Post by Miro Kropáček
What makes you think that it was you who invented this shape? If my memory serves well, this shape is available in 3D Studio for years, maybe since the first version (along with the teapot etc).
I invented this 3D "Bretzel" surface, because I remember doing it !
There's no intellectual property with mathematical expressions, so
it doesn't matter very much, whether I'm the creator or not, but ...

I don't know 3D Studio at all, because I never ran it, ever. But
I enjoyed a lot playing with Cyber Studio, because I bought it
when it was out on ATARI ST. Knowing Cyber Studio, I can say that
it is a _graphical_ modeller, and not a _mathematical_ modeller.
So, if you want to model a complex mathematical shape, you have to
import it first from a _mathematical_ modeller. The "Teapot" wasn't
created with 3D Studio, but pre-exists from another software.

The same way, 3D "Bretzel" was probably imported from Eureka 2.12
by Tom Hudson. This sounds strange, but one of the first file export
from Eureka 2.12 was the "3D2" format from Cyber Studio. The format
from 3D Studio is "3DS". Probably Tom Hudson converted "3D2" to "3DS".

Most 3D surfaces from Eureka 2.12 were created from scratch, without
any example of mathematical modelling, because there wasn't any
software of that kind, at the moment. I just can remember that I
had sometimes access to Mathematica, and that's all. We were in the
80's and early 90's, and computer graphics were a science, not a
business. The only faraway software model I had, was Cyber Studio.

My friends and family were witnesses of the creation of Eureka 2.12.
I can even remember I've done a demonstration of the rotating 3D
"Bretzel" in a forum, doing screen shots with "Dump Screen" ACC,
and playing the movie with "IMG Show" APP, on a large monochrome
display, with an ATARI TT, one day, long time ago, in Paris :-)

Well ... Really I invented the 3D "Bretzel". You make me happy
if you tell me it was included in 3D Studio, because I didn't know.
Post by Miro Kropáček
Post by Francois LE COAT
I downloaded "Graphing Calculator Viewer" on the AppStore, to
make my mind about this mathematical software, made on PowerMac
at Apple, about the same time I was writing Eureka 2.12 on the
ATARI 1040STf (1987). The "Viewer" is free, and doesn't allow
many things, except watching its superb live demonstration mode.
And, how surprised I had been, watching my remarkable 3D "Bretzel",
<http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.png> rotating under Mac OS X.
This is to explain how curious are mathematics. What an honor !
I created one day this 3D surface of the "Bretzel", of an
helical shape, when I realized that rotating on itself, it seems
to be warped, only by a sort of visual illusion.
I made a video clip <http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.mov>, a
friend of mine David Roussel conceived a demo on a SGI station
<http://vrmlstuff.free.fr/bretzel/bretzel_2.wrl> in VRML, so
I did <http://eureka.atari.org/vrml/bretzel2.wrl> at the same time.
This is rather strange that 25 years after it first steps (1987-2012)
my Eureka 2.12 software keeps spreading out on the WEB, and inspires.
You just have to watch the recent outstanding ATARI ST demo of Mr. Coke
It's the 3D Solenoid that is remade here, surprisingly. Or the cover
of international STMag NG <http://eureka.atari.org/stmag135.jpg> where
DHS demo-makers reworked the 3D Escher Knot.
At last, I'm not the Encyclopedia of 3D softwares, but almost !
The lengthiness of the software explains why it keeps spreading out :-)
Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2012-12-19 16:17:56 UTC

Looking at the screenshot <Loading Image...> you
will see the 3D "Bretzel" described with Mathematica 9. You will
also see the 3D "Orange" described with K3DSurf, and a Julia set
drawn with Eureka 2.12 with the help of ARAnyM 0.9.14 under OS X.

I've been recently confirmed that Eureka 2.12 works with Firebee :-)
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Miro Kropáček
What makes you think that it was you who invented this shape? If my
memory serves well, this shape is available in 3D Studio for years,
maybe since the first version (along with the teapot etc).
I invented this 3D "Bretzel" surface, because I remember doing it !
There's no intellectual property with mathematical expressions, so
it doesn't matter very much, whether I'm the creator or not, but ...
I don't know 3D Studio at all, because I never ran it, ever. But
I enjoyed a lot playing with Cyber Studio, because I bought it
when it was out on ATARI ST. Knowing Cyber Studio, I can say that
it is a _graphical_ modeller, and not a _mathematical_ modeller.
So, if you want to model a complex mathematical shape, you have to
import it first from a _mathematical_ modeller. The "Teapot" wasn't
created with 3D Studio, but pre-exists from another software.
The same way, 3D "Bretzel" was probably imported from Eureka 2.12
by Tom Hudson. This sounds strange, but one of the first file export
from Eureka 2.12 was the "3D2" format from Cyber Studio. The format
from 3D Studio is "3DS". Probably Tom Hudson converted "3D2" to "3DS".
Most 3D surfaces from Eureka 2.12 were created from scratch, without
any example of mathematical modelling, because there wasn't any
software of that kind, at the moment. I just can remember that I
had sometimes access to Mathematica, and that's all. We were in the
80's and early 90's, and computer graphics were a science, not a
business. The only faraway software model I had, was Cyber Studio.
My friends and family were witnesses of the creation of Eureka 2.12.
I can even remember I've done a demonstration of the rotating 3D
"Bretzel" in a forum, doing screen shots with "Dump Screen" ACC,
and playing the movie with "IMG Show" APP, on a large monochrome
display, with an ATARI TT, one day, long time ago, in Paris :-)
Well ... Really I invented the 3D "Bretzel". You make me happy
if you tell me it was included in 3D Studio, because I didn't know.
Post by Miro Kropáček
Post by Francois LE COAT
I downloaded "Graphing Calculator Viewer" on the AppStore, to
make my mind about this mathematical software, made on PowerMac
at Apple, about the same time I was writing Eureka 2.12 on the
ATARI 1040STf (1987). The "Viewer" is free, and doesn't allow
many things, except watching its superb live demonstration mode.
And, how surprised I had been, watching my remarkable 3D "Bretzel",
<http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.png> rotating under Mac OS X.
This is to explain how curious are mathematics. What an honor !
I created one day this 3D surface of the "Bretzel", of an
helical shape, when I realized that rotating on itself, it seems
to be warped, only by a sort of visual illusion.
I made a video clip <http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.mov>, a
friend of mine David Roussel conceived a demo on a SGI station
<http://vrmlstuff.free.fr/bretzel/bretzel_2.wrl> in VRML, so
I did <http://eureka.atari.org/vrml/bretzel2.wrl> at the same time.
This is rather strange that 25 years after it first steps (1987-2012)
my Eureka 2.12 software keeps spreading out on the WEB, and inspires.
You just have to watch the recent outstanding ATARI ST demo of Mr. Coke
It's the 3D Solenoid that is remade here, surprisingly. Or the cover
of international STMag NG <http://eureka.atari.org/stmag135.jpg> where
DHS demo-makers reworked the 3D Escher Knot.
At last, I'm not the Encyclopedia of 3D softwares, but almost !
The lengthiness of the software explains why it keeps spreading out :-)
Best regards,
Fran�ois LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2013-07-05 20:30:21 UTC

I remembered recently that 3D "Bretzel" was published in ST Magazine
#127, rendered with POV-Ray 3.1g, and also with a colored metafile
export (*.GEM) :

<Loading Image...>

That was in 1998, two years after the creation of eureka.atari.org
I was lucky with this large paper about Eureka 2.12, because
ST Magazine stopped its publication, just with this number 127 ...
Post by Francois LE COAT
Looking at the screenshot <http://eureka.atari.org/aranym.gif> you
will see the 3D "Bretzel" described with Mathematica 9. You will
also see the 3D "Orange" described with K3DSurf, and a Julia set
drawn with Eureka 2.12 with the help of ARAnyM 0.9.14 under OS X.
I've been recently confirmed that Eureka 2.12 works with Firebee :-)
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Miro Kropáček
What makes you think that it was you who invented this shape? If my
memory serves well, this shape is available in 3D Studio for years,
maybe since the first version (along with the teapot etc).
I invented this 3D "Bretzel" surface, because I remember doing it !
There's no intellectual property with mathematical expressions, so
it doesn't matter very much, whether I'm the creator or not, but ...
I don't know 3D Studio at all, because I never ran it, ever. But
I enjoyed a lot playing with Cyber Studio, because I bought it
when it was out on ATARI ST. Knowing Cyber Studio, I can say that
it is a _graphical_ modeller, and not a _mathematical_ modeller.
So, if you want to model a complex mathematical shape, you have to
import it first from a _mathematical_ modeller. The "Teapot" wasn't
created with 3D Studio, but pre-exists from another software.
The same way, 3D "Bretzel" was probably imported from Eureka 2.12
by Tom Hudson. This sounds strange, but one of the first file export
from Eureka 2.12 was the "3D2" format from Cyber Studio. The format
from 3D Studio is "3DS". Probably Tom Hudson converted "3D2" to "3DS".
Most 3D surfaces from Eureka 2.12 were created from scratch, without
any example of mathematical modelling, because there wasn't any
software of that kind, at the moment. I just can remember that I
had sometimes access to Mathematica, and that's all. We were in the
80's and early 90's, and computer graphics were a science, not a
business. The only faraway software model I had, was Cyber Studio.
My friends and family were witnesses of the creation of Eureka 2.12.
I can even remember I've done a demonstration of the rotating 3D
"Bretzel" in a forum, doing screen shots with "Dump Screen" ACC,
and playing the movie with "IMG Show" APP, on a large monochrome
display, with an ATARI TT, one day, long time ago, in Paris :-)
Well ... Really I invented the 3D "Bretzel". You make me happy
if you tell me it was included in 3D Studio, because I didn't know.
Post by Miro Kropáček
Post by Francois LE COAT
I downloaded "Graphing Calculator Viewer" on the AppStore, to
make my mind about this mathematical software, made on PowerMac
at Apple, about the same time I was writing Eureka 2.12 on the
ATARI 1040STf (1987). The "Viewer" is free, and doesn't allow
many things, except watching its superb live demonstration mode.
And, how surprised I had been, watching my remarkable 3D "Bretzel",
<http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.png> rotating under Mac OS X.
This is to explain how curious are mathematics. What an honor !
I created one day this 3D surface of the "Bretzel", of an
helical shape, when I realized that rotating on itself, it seems
to be warped, only by a sort of visual illusion.
I made a video clip <http://eureka.atari.org/bretzel.mov>, a
friend of mine David Roussel conceived a demo on a SGI station
<http://vrmlstuff.free.fr/bretzel/bretzel_2.wrl> in VRML, so
I did <http://eureka.atari.org/vrml/bretzel2.wrl> at the same time.
This is rather strange that 25 years after it first steps (1987-2012)
my Eureka 2.12 software keeps spreading out on the WEB, and inspires.
You just have to watch the recent outstanding ATARI ST demo of Mr. Coke
It's the 3D Solenoid that is remade here, surprisingly. Or the cover
of international STMag NG <http://eureka.atari.org/stmag135.jpg> where
DHS demo-makers reworked the 3D Escher Knot.
At last, I'm not the Encyclopedia of 3D softwares, but almost !
The lengthiness of the software explains why it keeps spreading out :-)
Best regards,
Fran�ois LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)