The ATARI Search Engine
(too old to reply)
Francois LE COAT
2017-12-03 13:45:05 UTC

I'm really worried because the following bookmarks are missing :

http://www.aracnet.com/~atari/ Bravo Sierra Computers
http://atari-clone.atari-users.net/ The Atari/TOS Clone Directory
http://revivalgames.org/ ReVival - Le magazine du jeu vidéo rétro
http://gfabasic.forumavie.com/ Page d’index forum (GFA)
http://www.gamepedia.fr/ GAMEPEDIA JEUX VIDEO
http://www.atarinews.org/ A-ONE Magazine :: Atari Online News, Etc.
http://tammat.mbnet.fi/hatari/ Temporary home for Eero's Hatari
http://highwire.atari-users.net/ HighWire development project
http://www.ataricq.org/ Welcome to ataricq.org (GokMasE)
http://xaaes.atariforge.org/ The Unofficial XaAES Page
http://sparemint.org/bugtracker/ MantisBT (freeMiNT bugtracker)
http://atariforge.org/gf/project/ AtariForge
http://sparemint.org/sparemint/download.html SpareMiNT
http://www.jumpgates.com/skydiver/ Daniel Augsburger's Homepage
http://mypdf.atari-users.net/mytask/ MyTask
http://gemcandy.atari-users.net/ Gem Candy
http://mypdf.atari-users.net/ Mypdf
http://www.st-katharina-apotheke.de/atari/ massi Soft (EasyMiNT)
http://sparemint.atariforge.org/ Sparemint Mirrors
http://dev-docs.atariforge.org/ Atari Documentation Archive
http://gfa.atari-users.net/atari/html/gfabasic.htm GFA Basic
http://gfa.atari-users.net/atari/ Lonny Pursell
http://www.obta.uw.edu.pl/~draco/atari/atari.html ***@atari.org
http://tamw.atari-users.net/algo.htm Wolfgang Martin Stroh
http://heinisoft.atari-users.net/ HeiNiSoft Homepage (Qed ...)
http://www.pixart.de/ pixart_home (Drawing)
http://breakintheborders.weebly.com/ The Anthology of the Atari ST
http://joo.kie.sk/ Jookie's home page (Miroslav NOHAJ)
http://www.tiledin.com/captain.blood.legacy CAPTAIN BLOOD LEGACY
http://wiki.sparemint.org/ FreeMiNT - SpareMiNT Wiki
http://www.gamepedia.fr/forum/index.php?showtopic=1990 Maupeou
http://atari.music.free.fr/ ATARI Music Software
http://tamw.atari-users.net/cubase.htm CUBASE for Atari
http://aicq.atari-users.net/ GokMasE's Atari Page

The regular update of the ATARI Search Engine is difficult ...
May we have news of the maintainers of these WEB sites ?


Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2017-12-03 14:20:21 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
http://www.aracnet.com/~atari/ Bravo Sierra Computers
http://atari-clone.atari-users.net/ The Atari/TOS Clone Directory
http://revivalgames.org/ ReVival - Le magazine du jeu vidéo rétro
http://gfabasic.forumavie.com/ Page d’index forum (GFA)
http://www.gamepedia.fr/ GAMEPEDIA JEUX VIDEO
http://www.atarinews.org/ A-ONE Magazine :: Atari Online News, Etc.
http://tammat.mbnet.fi/hatari/ Temporary home for Eero's Hatari
http://highwire.atari-users.net/ HighWire development project
http://www.ataricq.org/ Welcome to ataricq.org (GokMasE)
http://xaaes.atariforge.org/ The Unofficial XaAES Page
http://sparemint.org/bugtracker/ MantisBT (freeMiNT bugtracker)
http://atariforge.org/gf/project/ AtariForge
http://sparemint.org/sparemint/download.html SpareMiNT
http://www.jumpgates.com/skydiver/ Daniel Augsburger's Homepage
http://mypdf.atari-users.net/mytask/ MyTask
http://gemcandy.atari-users.net/ Gem Candy
http://mypdf.atari-users.net/ Mypdf
http://www.st-katharina-apotheke.de/atari/ massi Soft (EasyMiNT)
http://sparemint.atariforge.org/ Sparemint Mirrors
http://dev-docs.atariforge.org/ Atari Documentation Archive
http://gfa.atari-users.net/atari/html/gfabasic.htm GFA Basic
http://gfa.atari-users.net/atari/ Lonny Pursell
http://tamw.atari-users.net/algo.htm Wolfgang Martin Stroh
http://heinisoft.atari-users.net/ HeiNiSoft Homepage (Qed ...)
http://www.pixart.de/ pixart_home (Drawing)
http://breakintheborders.weebly.com/ The Anthology of the Atari ST
http://joo.kie.sk/ Jookie's home page (Miroslav NOHAJ)
http://www.tiledin.com/captain.blood.legacy CAPTAIN BLOOD LEGACY
http://wiki.sparemint.org/ FreeMiNT - SpareMiNT Wiki
http://www.gamepedia.fr/forum/index.php?showtopic=1990 Maupeou
http://atari.music.free.fr/ ATARI Music Software
http://tamw.atari-users.net/cubase.htm CUBASE for Atari
http://aicq.atari-users.net/ GokMasE's Atari Page
The regular update of the ATARI Search Engine is difficult...
May we have news from the maintainers of these WEB sites ?
I'm sorry the "Jookie's home page" is on-line. What about the others?

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
Francois LE COAT
2017-12-04 20:48:46 UTC
Post by Francois LE COAT
Post by Francois LE COAT
http://www.aracnet.com/~atari/ Bravo Sierra Computers
http://atari-clone.atari-users.net/ The Atari/TOS Clone Directory
http://revivalgames.org/ ReVival - Le magazine du jeu vidéo rétro
http://gfabasic.forumavie.com/ Page d’index forum (GFA)
http://www.gamepedia.fr/ GAMEPEDIA JEUX VIDEO
http://www.atarinews.org/ A-ONE Magazine :: Atari Online News, Etc.
http://tammat.mbnet.fi/hatari/ Temporary home for Eero's Hatari
http://highwire.atari-users.net/ HighWire development project
http://www.ataricq.org/ Welcome to ataricq.org (GokMasE)
http://xaaes.atariforge.org/ The Unofficial XaAES Page
http://sparemint.org/bugtracker/ MantisBT (freeMiNT bugtracker)
http://atariforge.org/gf/project/ AtariForge
http://sparemint.org/sparemint/download.html SpareMiNT
http://www.jumpgates.com/skydiver/ Daniel Augsburger's Homepage
http://mypdf.atari-users.net/mytask/ MyTask
http://gemcandy.atari-users.net/ Gem Candy
http://mypdf.atari-users.net/ Mypdf
http://www.st-katharina-apotheke.de/atari/ massi Soft (EasyMiNT)
http://sparemint.atariforge.org/ Sparemint Mirrors
http://dev-docs.atariforge.org/ Atari Documentation Archive
http://gfa.atari-users.net/atari/html/gfabasic.htm GFA Basic
http://gfa.atari-users.net/atari/ Lonny Pursell
http://tamw.atari-users.net/algo.htm Wolfgang Martin Stroh
http://heinisoft.atari-users.net/ HeiNiSoft Homepage (Qed ...)
http://www.pixart.de/ pixart_home (Drawing)
http://breakintheborders.weebly.com/ The Anthology of the Atari ST
http://joo.kie.sk/ Jookie's home page (Miroslav NOHAJ)
http://www.tiledin.com/captain.blood.legacy CAPTAIN BLOOD LEGACY
http://wiki.sparemint.org/ FreeMiNT - SpareMiNT Wiki
http://www.gamepedia.fr/forum/index.php?showtopic=1990 Maupeou
http://atari.music.free.fr/ ATARI Music Software
http://tamw.atari-users.net/cubase.htm CUBASE for Atari
http://aicq.atari-users.net/ GokMasE's Atari Page
The regular update of the ATARI Search Engine is difficult...
May we have news from the maintainers of these WEB sites?
I'm sorry the "Jookie's home page" is on-line. What about the others?
The atari.music.free.fr WEB site is on-line. But a large part of the
ATARI WEB is missing for the update of the Search Engine. Any help
for the new locations of the bookmarks will be warmly welcomed...

Best regards,
François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)