Falcon060 <***@roadrunner.com> writes:
: MiKRO,
: Maybe sometime this year I will take a look at the sources and try
: doing some compiling of my own. Then figure out the PNG loading
: process and see if there is a better way or not. But honestly, it
: only takes less than 5 seconds from the time the desktop appears till
: Zweather is up and running. Not sure that it has any benefit other
: than for much slower computers with not much ram. Even a Falcon030
: stock with 14 mb of Ram should do ok at loading this in at bootup
: time. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Does anyone actually run
: Zweather on a stock Atari computer. If so, what are your OS, system
: specs and how long does it take to bring Zweather up and running?
: Would really tell me if its worth the time to take on a project like
: this.
: On Feb 8, 2:09=A0pm, "MiKRO / Mystic Bytes" <***@gmail.com>
: wrote:
: > Ah, glad to see you have sorted it out. It's true I haven't tested it
: > on MagiC but it would be very strange if it didn't work.
: >
: > About the loading time: in Zorro's latest sources you can find very
: > similar thing -- all images are bundled in one PNG and stored as MFDB
: > (Atari native) format internally. But hard to say anything about
: > release date, it's up to him or anyone else who is going to continue
: > the development (https://sourceforge.net/projects/z-tools)
I do, and startup is no longer impressive. From a running desktop, kill
Zweather, and start it up again, and it has found its data and finally
pops up in a blistering 32 seconds. This is on a standard TT030, mono
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