Guillaume Tello
2011-03-11 09:27:44 UTC
I managed to put a AlberTT gfx card into a MegaSTE, I had to disassemble
the two drivers written by Draco to adapte them to the 68000 and STE.
Now it works!
I have a question with Magic: what should be the order of the drivers
and the magic-boot-loader in the Auto folder?
I made two photos to show the thing:
I'll upload later the drivers with commented source.
Is Draco still active? Can he be joined?
I managed to put a AlberTT gfx card into a MegaSTE, I had to disassemble
the two drivers written by Draco to adapte them to the 68000 and STE.
Now it works!
I have a question with Magic: what should be the order of the drivers
and the magic-boot-loader in the Auto folder?
I made two photos to show the thing:
I'll upload later the drivers with commented source.
Is Draco still active? Can he be joined?