Bad Sectors
(too old to reply)
2020-02-11 08:30:00 UTC
Hello my wonderful Atari BBS message forum peeps. I am going through a few
no label or blank label disks and seeing what is on them and keeping or
formatting. I have one disk with 91 bad sectors (ouch) I did do a virus
removal just incase but am wondering if there is a way to save this poor disk
or is it destined for the bin?

Ken Springer
2020-02-14 14:10:45 UTC
Post by Coconut
Hello my wonderful Atari BBS message forum peeps. I am going through a few
no label or blank label disks and seeing what is on them and keeping or
formatting. I have one disk with 91 bad sectors (ouch) I did do a virus
removal just incase but am wondering if there is a way to save this poor disk
or is it destined for the bin?
Floppy disks? Which size?
MacOS 10.14.6
Firefox 70.0.1
Thunderbird 60.9
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
and it's gone!"